GomezPEER 5.0 is the client for a processing power sharing program. The first step you need to take in order to get into the program is to register on the website. Once you are logged in, you can download this client. Basically, it replaces your IDLE loop process (or something like that) and uses your spare processing power for God knows what. They promise to pay you for every minute that you lend them your computer's power. The client shows your account status, the time you have been online, and the "potential" money you have earned. GomezPEER updates every 15 minutes and, if there are any changes, it will tell you all about it. When you first join the program, your account will be pending for approval, and this will show on the client. After I joined and installed the program and left it running for a half hour, it wasn't really taking any processing power. So, I am taking it that the application only draws juice when you have been approved. I've found that the client starts acting up when I try to close it, forcing a restart. I am in no position to tell you if this program works or not. Just remember that once you allow them to run a program on your computer, it could be part of a botnet for all you know. And there's no guarantee they'll ever pay. So use it at your own risk. Also, the application auto-updates itself to 5.5 when you first run it.